Everything we do and every decision that we make always comes back to the sustainability of our practices. We know that we derive our livelihood from this land, and we treat it as such, working to make this soil and these vines part of the winery and family legacy. The vineyard is committed to sustainability, with Fish Friendly Certification as well as Napa Green. The vineyard has been irrigated using recycled water since 2015, removing our dependency on ground and well water.
We nurture natural predator habitats in our vineyards, primarily working to promote the presence of the Western bluebird by implementing 40 bird boxes on property. Several large birds of prey such as Red-Tailed Hawks, Great Horned Owls and Barn Owls also call our property home, naturally managing and balancing the ecosystem of our estate vineyard.
The winery is fitted with a BioFiltro worm digester, able to reduce the water footprint of the winery five-fold by allowing us to treat the water going down the cellar & tank room drains and use it again for irrigation or other grey water needs. The thousands of red worm annelids consume the microbes & sediment in the water, filtering the water like oysters in a bay and in the process create worm castings, which we are then able to return to the vineyard as a supplement to the soil.